韩国和日本调整了菜单,销售了塔利和各种冰淇淋,烘焙食品,咖啡相关用品的标志性食谱。他们相信他们的产品强烈,并在客户忠诚上操作,并在星巴克等咖啡店旁边开设了商店,并以鲜明的产品为自己的钱跑了跑步。他们的扩张策略是将人群拉到既定商店的隔壁,以便他们的客户收购成本将下降。在倒塌的侧面因为这种策略,它仍然是一种俗称来说的品牌,“那个地方就在下一个星巴克”。成立十四年,由于发生的持续扩张,他们没有看到净利润。那是明年,在2007年,他们反对漂浮国际opo的初步计划,但由于市场挥发性市场而决定,这是考虑到2008年次级次级危机的迈出巨大的一步。他们通过销售咖啡豆业务来清除债务North America to Green Mountain Coffee Roasters in 2009, post which they expanded with 100 stores on South Korea.We can call Tom O’Keefe a wizard who established a brand in 18 years with global presence and more importantly a positive net profit. The revenue of this company is 0.24 US billion dollars making it as the tenth largest coffee chain in the world in terms of revenue.
这款咖啡链的创始人是Joanne&Julius,这家公司的总部位于美国冲洗。该公司的首席执行官和主席是乔安妮·肖,以及凯文·肖副总统。这家公司生产的产品是咖啡,冰沙和茶。净收入为24,295美元。父母公司是肖咖啡公司。该公司提供的主要服务是特许经营。这家公司通过将咖啡特许经营权销售给许多其他特许经营者来获得许多收入。这销售了许多产品,如咖啡机,品牌咖啡杯,沙拉,特种饮料,浓咖啡,茶,咖啡等。该公司的收入为0.41美元。这是世界上最大的咖啡链。它的品牌大多是以价值观和传统建立的。 It has 100 locations only in US. It is present in twenty countries internationally. This franchise is known for its good corporate cult environment it provides to its customers. Its Michigan facility is 45000 square foot which provides a large space for its coffee beans to be roasted, grounded, powdered and packaged. The core values of the company are imbibed into each and every employee working there giving them a positive motivation to work. Thus indirectly making the company achieve higher growth and higher profits.
8. Dunkin甜甜圈
该公司成立于美国昆西,总部位于美国坎顿。唐恩都乐不是一家上市公司,它在世界各地都有强大的影响力,在全球都有特许经营。这家公司的创始人是威廉·罗森博格。这是著名品牌Dunkin Brands的子公司。这主要是进入食品和饮料行业。这个连锁店遍布全球。它所在的地点总数是11000个。该公司的董事长兼首席执行官是Nigel Travis。该公司生产的各种产品有三明治、冷热饮料、冰饮料、烘焙食品、冷冻饮料和软饮料。它的母公司是Dunkin Brands。 The total revenue of this Dunkin Donuts apart from the total brand is 0.83 US billion dollars. It has about twelve hundred restaurants which are spread around thirty six countries. Initially the competitor for this company are Mister Donuts. Later this Mister Donuts was acquired by Allied Lyons. This Allied Lyons were later given a chance to change the name of their donuts to Dunkin Donuts and were sold under this brand from that time. Thus it started acquiring its competitors by expanding its chain. This is the eighth largest coffee chains in the world.
这家公司的创始人是约翰·帕克特,公司成立于美国的伊代纳。北美驯鹿咖啡主要以咖啡和浓缩咖啡而闻名,它还提供各种其他小吃和饮料,为顾客提供一个舒适和放松的环境。本公司的首席执行官是Michael J. Tattersfield。这家公司的总部设在美国的明尼阿波利斯市。该公司的母公司为JAB控股公司和JAB Beech Inclusive。这家咖啡连锁店以其茶、咖啡的混合而闻名。这是一家总部设在明尼苏达州的公司。这也制造了许多种类的烘焙食品和三明治。该公司在10个国家拥有203家分店。这家公司拥有超过203家自己的咖啡馆。 These are present in 18 states worldwide. This coffee house initially aimed at the workers working in the downtown. It used to have a schedule of five day a week as per the schedule of the workers. Later the coffee store has been started at Minnesota when there was no proper financial aid to start another business as thought by the founder. As every other company this company also has a good quality coffee that was done by grounding the finest coffee beans of high quality. This company gives perks to the customers in order to attract them to the store once again. This gives rewards in the form of earning points. When a customer registers to this he will be getting a medium drink as a perk. The revenue of this company is 0.93 US billion dollars making them the seventh largest coffee coffee chains in the world.
6. Gloria牛仔裤咖啡
该链的创始人是ED和Gloria Jean Kvetko,总部位于澳大利亚城堡山。这不是一个全球当前所在地区的几乎所有地方都在近40个。这是世界各地的1000多个地点。它几乎生产了所有冷热饮料。本集团的所有者是零售食品集团。这不是公共上市公司。这是本集团的子公司。最初是美国咖啡和礼物的小商店。现在它本身就有近一百十个地点。2013年,格洛丽亚牛仔裤由一家名为黄页的公共上市公司购买。后来澳大利亚集团叫零售食品集团购买。 The specialty of Gloria Jeans is that it sells its own coffee capsules called the Caffitaly. This caffitaly capsules are also available in the market call the Woolworth markets. The coffee taste here is entirely different from the lot many coffee stores present making it race among the top ten chains in the world. It gives the feeling of coming back and visit again for all the customers. The revenue of this company is 0.97 US Billion dollars. This stands as the sixth largest coffee chains in the world in terms of revenue.
这家公司的总部位于美国奥克布鲁克,这是麦当劳的子公司。这家咖啡店生产的产品是多种咖啡的变种,以及几乎所有领先的咖啡链品牌给出的其他饮料。麦当劳公司的创始人是雷克罗克。安布朗是这家餐厅的另一个创始人。这是全世界的服务。本公司的主席和首席执行官是Ann Brown。它仅集中在没有其他饮料的咖啡生产中。所以这是世界上最着名的咖啡馆之一。这不是公共上市公司。该咖啡部门的这个特定部门的收入为10.5亿美元。 This is one of the best revenues since the company sells only coffee with no other beverages and earns a huge sum of revenue. This is the fifth largest coffee chains in the world in terms of revenue. They are more concerned about the food quality they provide. They use apples of pink lady and Gala. They use ingredients like hundred percent beef patties to which has no added preservatives. They treat customers as their kings. Mc Donalds is the largest fast food chain in the world. This has helped them launch Mc Café under the name of Mc Donalds. After that it has started expanding its chain of operations year after year from one city to the other.
4. Lavazza.
Lavazza是一家总部位于印度的公司,在南亚有强大的存在,服务于该地区数百万的客户。它生产的产品有各种甜点,如糕点,各种咖啡和茶,星冰乐饮料和冰沙。该公司的首席执行官是Pratha Duttagupta。这家公司的总经理是Ravi Deol。这家公司的首席运营官是Brotin Banerjee。这家公司的总部设在新德里的奥克拉。该公司不在世界范围内。它只在少数地区运作。其业务范围包括印度、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、中东、斯里兰卡、孟加拉国等。这个行业以浓缩咖啡吧而闻名。 The total assets of this company is about one billion US Dollars. The revenue of this company is 2.28 billion US Dollars. This is the world’s fourth largest producer of coffee in the world. It is an Italian based coffee centre. The training they provide is one of the best trainings. This has the biggest training centre in Italy. The employees are treated well in Lavazza. They were provided with many benefits like insurance coverage and many more benefits. It treats its employees as a part of their family. The quality is not just a factor for them. It’s a part of their daily process. They follow this process called the avant-garde in a very innovative way . For the people who visit there it acts as a perfect place to relax and have fun. Starting from the iced tea to hot beverages almost all will be provided with the best quality.
3. Tim Hortons.
该公司在加拿大奥克维尔的总部,这个品牌在全球拥有强大的存在。但这是它所服务的区域中最着名的咖啡链之一,它所服务的地点总数为4600+。它所服务的重要领域是菲律宾,美国,英国,卡塔尔,阿拉伯联合酋长国,沙特阿拉伯,阿曼,加拿大,冰岛等。这款咖啡链的主席是亚历克斯博恩。这条链条的首席执行官是Daniel Schwartz。这条链的总统是Ellias Diaz Sese。链条不存在Wolrd宽位,在存在的区域工作的员工人数相对较高。员工计数约为100,000。该链的净收入为511.7美元百万美元。这款咖啡链的收入为30亿美元。在收入方面,这一链条是世界上第三大咖啡链。 The parent company is Restaurant Brands International. This is mainly famous for coffee and doughnuts. This is famous as quickest service restaurants in the world. This is famous for its CSR activities too. This moulds the life skills of more than 19000 students a year. It has coffee partnership with many people living in the rural areas. This partnership helps improve the lives of many small scale farmers by improving the quality of beans produced by improving the environmental factors, social and also economic factors.
该公司总部位于英格兰,这家公司的创始人是Bruno Costa和Sergio Costa。哥斯达咖啡提供各种产品,如咖啡,茶,冰茶等,它还供应糕点,三明治。这家咖啡在世界各地供应。咖啡在全球3400多个地点供应。这个行业的首席执行官是多米尼克保罗。他是该公司成功的主要人民之一。这不是公共上市公司。截至2016年的净收入为1.53亿欧元。这个行业的母公司是白饼PLC。该公司的收入为3.77美元美元。 It initially used to caterer the special Italian coffee to many coffee shops. It is the subsidy of Whitebread. The taste of the coffee makes the customers feel like revisiting the shops. The main secret behind their coffee is slow roasting the coffee beans. It is one of the largest coffee chains in UK. In terms of revenue, this Costa Coffee is the second largest chains in the world. It serves different kinds of beverages like Costa Light, Flat White, Ice Cold Costa etc. It provides Loyalty card to all its customers. The customer having this card will have some percent of discount when they revisit the store. This is one of the ways they show gratitude towards their customers.
Starbucks的总部位于犹他州南部,西雅图,美国和杰瑞Baldwin的2401年,是该公司的创始人,另一个创始人是Zev Siegl,Gordon Bowker。这是一家公共上市公司,并在世界各地出现。它在世界各地拥有各种咖啡链。它存在的总位置数是24,464个地点。星巴克执行主席是霍华德舒尔茨。这家公司的首席执行官是Kevin Johnson。在各种产品中,它产生的产品,以下是产品的类别:冰沙,茶叶,烘焙食品,咖啡饮料,三明治。员工总数:238,000。本公司的总资产为124.5亿美元。本公司的净收入为27.6亿美元。 The revenue of this company as of 2016 is 21.30 US million dollars. The revenue of starbucks is so high making it the first largest coffee chain in the world. This uses coffee beans that were bought from Arabia, adding a different flavor to its products. Apart from the coffee, the experience we get in the store is so pleasing. The music that we hear in the store is so pleasing. We get pastries, Tazo teas etc which tingles our taste buds. They treat the customers in a different way making the customer feel to visit the store once again.
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